Hello, World!

YWOL 34 Approach

Hello and welcome to my shiny new website. Much thanks to James at Biztech Solutions for helping me get this up and running and filling in for my lack of imagination when it comes to these things! I will try to update this section with aviation news or interesting items, student accomplishments and milestones, new services as I add them, and maybe even some technical articles on aircraft systems or maneuvers, as the mood hits. There will be no politics.

For now, browse around the site and be sure to call or write if you have any questions or comments!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Great website, best of luck in your business. I will spread the info to my friends

    1. Thank you, great to hear from you!

  2. Congratulations on the new venture. You’re an inspiration! Best of luck mate.

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